Jan Dzyr
Sound Designer & Production Sound Mixer

Midnight Harvest
Sound Designer & Audio Programmer

About Project
Midnight Harvest is a hybrid between Top-Down game and FPS, originated during Ludum Dare gamejam, that currently our small team develop into it's own standalone game.
Original gameplay mode follows classic surviving waves of enemies to which you will use an arsenal of unusual weapons that use crops as ammunition.
During the top down mode you will be able to plant them and harvest later converting them into ammunition or as new seeds for your deadly garden.
My part in project
Implementation of sounds using FMOD and Unity
Programming sound elements with C# scripts
Designing unique sounds for 5 types of weapons (peashooter, corngun, carrot-rifle, peppergun and watermelon cannon)
Providing sounds for Player's and Enemies movements and voices
Creating sounds for UI for mix of Top-Down/FPS modes along with sounds for menu controls
Creating and placing sounds for backgrounds
Collaborating with Composer and integrating his idea of music changing due to mode of game and number of enemies
Playtesting game and providing general help for team as well as creating space for future updates

Post Mortem
My main focus during jam was kept with implementation of sounds due to quite large scope for the time frame that included multiple systems which needed specific sounds and tests to make sure they will work properly.
Sound assets can be done faster but cuts in implementation mean no sound at all.
Leaving sound design to do quick first iterations of assets allowed to provide more assets in general,
what in the end gave me a list of working sounds that need only a proper time spent on them after jam.
As it was mine 3rd such project with our Composer - Oskar Światowski I have found it a nice progression due to him using FMOD in person instead of me implementing his ideas, it made us faster and results of music systems were much better quality.
Cooperation with the rest of the team also was incredibly satisfying process. Each of team members was a well skilled in their craft and delivered a lot of passion into the game which hopefully we will keep working on for some future!
Joel Hanson - Programmer, Game Designer
LabToast - Programmer, Game Designer
Jan Dzyr - Sound Design, Audio Programmer
Oskar Światowski - Composer
Vladimir Karashchuk - Lead Artist, Animator, Game Designer
Carl Bisenius - Artist
Kyle Degroot - Artist